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march 30th patch. 9919shine

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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  Paiint Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:18 pm

march 30th patch. 9919shine

- corrects ???? names.
- and some effects
- skills and mobs and stuff and maps placed in respective locations.

Download link here.


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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  NextIdea Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:26 pm

NextIdea wrote:To see those new glows, copy all except "resseffect" to your FS folder and
then go inside "resseffect" and copy everything to your "FS\reseffect" folder.
There is typo, 2 "s"


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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  Ikimoto Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:30 am

NextIdea wrote:
NextIdea wrote:To see those new glows, copy all except "resseffect" to your FS folder and
then go inside "resseffect" and copy everything to your "FS\reseffect" folder.
There is typo, 2 "s"

You beat me to it No

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Location : Scotland, UK.

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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  Acuri Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:00 am

I know this is sad but how you patch stuff? Im new to this type of thing

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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  Ikimoto Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:26 am

Acuri wrote:I know this is sad but how you patch stuff? Im new to this type of thing

Basically, extract whatever is in the .zip file to your 9919shinefolder. You will need winrar, which I'm assuming you have, if not, get it Here.

With this patch, one of the folders was named incorrectly, so do what NextIdea has said in the post above.

Hope this helps.

Edit: I have taken the liberty to fix the patch, I hope you don't mind, Paiint.
Edit2: Uploading now.

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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  Ikimoto Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:12 am


In the original patch, there was an incorrectly named folder, this was easy to work around. However, I have fixed it for the sake of easiness. Again, this is not necessary, most of you will have the patch already.

If you want it, you can get it Here

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Location : Scotland, UK.

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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  densho Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:07 am

After Downloading from the link you mentioned I successfully extracted it but there seems to be some problem. I can see that the plus9 glow has been modified but I had problems when I tried to click NPCs that showed weird 'text-characters' and I can't re-stone there is no 'Purchase' word to click, The stone NPC simply displays the current/available quest.


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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  Ikimoto Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:09 am

densho wrote:After Downloading from the link you mentioned I successfully extracted it but there seems to be some problem. I can see that the plus9 glow has been modified but I had problems when I tried to click NPCs that showed weird 'text-characters' and I can't re-stone there is no 'Purchase' word to click, The stone NPC simply displays the current/available quest.

Your need to put your computers language to Chinese Taiwan for Non Unicode Programs.

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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  HellsCrypt Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:33 am

Ikimoto wrote:
densho wrote:After Downloading from the link you mentioned I successfully extracted it but there seems to be some problem. I can see that the plus9 glow has been modified but I had problems when I tried to click NPCs that showed weird 'text-characters' and I can't re-stone there is no 'Purchase' word to click, The stone NPC simply displays the current/available quest.

Your need to put your computers language to Chinese Taiwan for Non Unicode Programs.

ill go get the vid I made on how to do it....

here it is

fallow this


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Age : 31

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march 30th patch. 9919shine Empty Re: march 30th patch. 9919shine

Post  Ikimoto Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:07 am

HellsCrypt wrote:
Ikimoto wrote:
densho wrote:After Downloading from the link you mentioned I successfully extracted it but there seems to be some problem. I can see that the plus9 glow has been modified but I had problems when I tried to click NPCs that showed weird 'text-characters' and I can't re-stone there is no 'Purchase' word to click, The stone NPC simply displays the current/available quest.

Your need to put your computers language to Chinese Taiwan for Non Unicode Programs.

ill go get the vid I made on how to do it....

here it is

fallow this

That's if he has Vista. It can be easiley adapted to XP, but if he has XP, he can just use Microsoft Applocale, here's a guide. Link.

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Location : Scotland, UK.

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