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how to fix 9919shine

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how to fix 9919shine Empty how to fix 9919shine

Post  skippy_san Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:03 am

ok im going to try and create this picture tutorial so bear with me please...

ok first of all find your 99shine client folder ((example) my folder is runup_tw.)

make a new folder and name it shine9919 then copy the entire 99shine folder to this one.

how to fix 9919shine Tut2

how to fix 9919shine Tut1

how to fix 9919shine Tut3

after that is done then extract the english patch or chinese patch depending on the language needed

how to fix 9919shine Tut4

now open that folder and select all components then past into shine9919 folder i.e. shine9919\RUNUP_TW\FS

how to fix 9919shine Tut5


how to fix 9919shine Tut6

how to fix 9919shine Tut7

then go into the original shine folder RUNUP_TW\FS\ressystem and copy the npcdialogdata.shn file from it to the shine9919\RUNUP_TW\FS\ressystem

how to fix 9919shine Tut8

how to fix 9919shine Tut9

then make a shortcut to desktop for 9919shine.exe

how to fix 9919shine Tut9_1

hope this helps and a special thanks to Koko for the idea Very Happy


Posts : 17
Join date : 2010-03-24

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