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Server lag? Or is it just me.

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Server lag? Or is it just me. Empty Server lag? Or is it just me.

Post  Kunoichi Mon May 31, 2010 7:16 am

For the past 24 hours or so I've been lagging off and on, but I just figured that was my connection going wonky. But, as I've been doing other things.. my internet is running flawlessly, so is the server actually lagging or is my connection no longer adequate for 19?


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Server lag? Or is it just me. Empty Re: Server lag? Or is it just me.

Post  [FuFu]Dany Mon May 31, 2010 7:17 am

hm im not lagging maybe its your connection to the server

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Server lag? Or is it just me. Empty Re: Server lag? Or is it just me.

Post  Kunoichi Mon May 31, 2010 7:18 am

Maybe, I'll try rebooting one last time.


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Server lag? Or is it just me. Empty Re: Server lag? Or is it just me.

Post  Viral Mon May 31, 2010 1:26 pm

Kunoichi wrote:For the past 24 hours or so I've been lagging off and on, but I just figured that was my connection going wonky. But, as I've been doing other things.. my internet is running flawlessly, so is the server actually lagging or is my connection no longer adequate for 19?

I'll have brief points where I will lag a bit and skills will cast 1-2 secs after the button is pressed. But nothing hardcore yet.

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Server lag? Or is it just me. Empty Re: Server lag? Or is it just me.

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