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'trusted player' ?

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'trusted player' ?  Empty 'trusted player' ?

Post  BabyPeach Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:29 am

Well I red that in a post, only trusted players can recommand users for a account,
you get any notice if u turn a 'trusted player' ? So u know when u can offer urself for the referral list,
or does it happen after a specific time?
Could find no information like that :/
please help out~

EDIT: ..just wondering, but whats the point in making two players responsible for what one person did wrong? o.0 Doesent that just maybe reduce the count of those trusted players massively? .. I dont get the point in this.

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Guest Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:57 am

pm me acount infos.


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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  BabyPeach Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:50 pm

Meowy12345 wrote:pm me acount infos.

what for?

EDIT: I dont even have a account... yet e.e

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Guest Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:55 pm

yes i also wonder why i need ur acount infos for this server..

id hurry while baha is still online on my msn though.


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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  BabyPeach Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:22 pm

~nvm this post please delete :3

Last edited by BabyPeach on Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Guest Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:23 pm



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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  BabyPeach Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:23 pm

I sent my info to iPoke earlier, the good thing is this server is empty but I still dont like how they make it so hard for new players to enter the game..
well sorry for acting irritating but its not motivating to wait for the account : |
but ty for the offer ;3

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Guest Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:34 pm

yw lol


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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  [GM]Baharia Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:34 am

Well the reason as viral said on another topic, is to avoid hacker. For a moment 99 and 9919 was free register, I had like 20 or 30 people to register each day, and what did it do? Hacker came, and made the server shut down, we were forced to do a big wipe. That, not one, not twice but 3 time, counting 99.
If we do this system, it's 1 to keep the server clean, and second is, the server is private, not public. I know this might sound stupid, but Casuta choosed this way, he doesn't want anyone and everyone come on his server.

Then to be a trusted player, it's more after a while, I come on game and play with everyone, as much as I can, and I can see who can refers and who can't.

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  BabyPeach Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:45 am

[GM]Baharia wrote:Well the reason as viral said on another topic, is to avoid hacker. For a moment 99 and 9919 was free register, I had like 20 or 30 people to register each day, and what did it do? Hacker came, and made the server shut down, we were forced to do a big wipe. That, not one, not twice but 3 time, counting 99.
If we do this system, it's 1 to keep the server clean, and second is, the server is private, not public. I know this might sound stupid, but Casuta choosed this way, he doesn't want anyone and everyone come on his server.

Then to be a trusted player, it's more after a while, I come on game and play with everyone, as much as I can, and I can see who can refers and who can't.

tysm for the statement ^-^ improving the savety is worth that step I guess

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Viral Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:52 am

BabyPeach wrote:EDIT: ..just wondering, but whats the point in making two players responsible for what one person did wrong? o.0 Doesent that just maybe reduce the count of those trusted players massively? .. I dont get the point in this.

This is what deters us away from referring a lot of people. If they end up hacking the game or doing something else against the rules, we get punished as well. So I would like to know why that is. I mean, you WANT players to come in and play and you force it on us to be the referrals. Not really fair putting us in that predicament.

Yes Baha, yet another thing to pester Casuta with whenever he comes back!

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  BabyPeach Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:59 am

Viral wrote:
This is what deters us away from referring a lot of people. If they end up hacking the game or doing something else against the rules, we get punished as well. So I would like to know why that is. I mean, you WANT players to come in and play and you force it on us to be the referrals. Not really fair putting us in that predicament.

Yes Baha, yet another thing to pester Casuta with whenever he comes back!

-nod- but how can I make anyone trust me? xD *stranger*

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Viral Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:06 am

BabyPeach wrote:
Viral wrote:
This is what deters us away from referring a lot of people. If they end up hacking the game or doing something else against the rules, we get punished as well. So I would like to know why that is. I mean, you WANT players to come in and play and you force it on us to be the referrals. Not really fair putting us in that predicament.

Yes Baha, yet another thing to pester Casuta with whenever he comes back!

-nod- but how can I make anyone trust me? xD *stranger*

Some players will ask you questions in order to get to know you better. Nothing too personal mind you, but just to get a grasp of who you are.

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  BabyPeach Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:42 am

Viral wrote:
Some players will ask you questions in order to get to know you better. Nothing too personal mind you, but just to get a grasp of who you are.

ah ö-ö okay.. I hope iPoke gets on soon and responds xD

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:36 am

didnt i offer my help before? Razz


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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  BabyPeach Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:56 am

Meowy12345 wrote:didnt i offer my help before? Razz

yea u did but I wasnt sure ;-; well I send you my info ._. *doh*
its just I probably take a while till I start playing because having some school trouble lol
I hope some inactivity doesent effect being excluded from the game

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  devin23 Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:41 pm

is private server bak on?? @


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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Guest Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:28 pm



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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  anling Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:31 am

hoping many fighters pty together to farm Helga Tomb,^^

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

Post  Arya Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:44 pm

x.o lol

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'trusted player' ?  Empty Re: 'trusted player' ?

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