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Post  [GM]Baharia Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:48 am

Well would be I think usefull to know who are the gm and who to talk to in case you have a problem.

Game Masters
[GM]Baharia is here to serve you and to help you in case any problem.
Feel free to send me a PM with the details Smile

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Post  [GM]Baharia Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:46 am

GM Skyblader left us, we will remember him Smile and wish him good luck for the future.

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Post  [GM]Baharia Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:04 pm

As all of you saw, we have a new developper called Romance. You certainly all saw him in town. Some have been saying he gave away stuff, like 4k hp earring or things like that. That is not true, pure lies. The High hp was reached using extender from king marlone in dungeon (kebings drop them)

Nor romance nor me is allowed to give anything, except some little items as reward for event (like warrant, exp cards and so on) or bigger event with bigger reward (costumes) but that's all.
The Weapon he dropped were weapon got by his normal character, but that he doesn't use. The isya ring, he gave 1, not 2, and as reward for a hide and seek event. And I will make more of those event next week, when I am done with my job.

The result of that is that many of you have been starting to hate romance, when he is here to HELP casuta to update and make patch for us. So keep that in mind, with him, we can have more stuff, more updates and faster.


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