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Post  [GM]Baharia Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:36 pm

- No Rushing us to reset character lvls,Account creation/changes. - We are human too we have to work, school, sleep eat like you do. Be patient, we only have two hands. Give it 24 hours.

- No disrespecting, flaming/Trolling, insulting, use of foul language or any other rude behavior directed towards other members and staff allowed. Be respectful!- if found any flaming, insulting and such, a csr / staff will give a warning. After warning has reached 50% you will be disabled from posting for 7 days. 100%warn will be permanent ban

- No posting Porn or adult content anywhere on the forums

- ANY staff are ALLOWED to delete posts and delete topics if they believe it is unnecessary or against the rules.

- No advertising another game or server on our forums.

- No spamming to get ranks ._.

We keep the right to modify those rules if we think it's necessary.

Posts : 47
Join date : 2010-03-31

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