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Bugged (cleric) skills

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Bugged (cleric) skills Empty Bugged (cleric) skills

Post  BabyPeach Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:25 am

If I try to use skills the graphic effects come but not the effect of the skill,
and if I try to use restore I get stuck and have to relogg
it started in graveyard of death I was able to escape with a scroll from being killed while stuck because of restore....
whats that? =.='

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Join date : 2010-06-29
Age : 33
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Bugged (cleric) skills Empty Re: Bugged (cleric) skills

Post  [GM]Baharia Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:35 am

That is a bug, I had it on every fiesta once in a while, you cannot use any skill, unless you restart the game -_-

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Bugged (cleric) skills Empty Re: Bugged (cleric) skills

Post  BabyPeach Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:36 am

[GM]Baharia wrote:That is a bug, I had it on every fiesta once in a while, you cannot use any skill, unless you restart the game -_-

tysm, will do once Im done with elrues xDD
..and its epic how some buggs stay in all kinds of Fiesta no matter where u find it lol
(like the flying stones next to forest of tides gate :3)

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Age : 33
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