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My Own Ideas for 9919 Shine

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My Own Ideas for 9919 Shine Empty My Own Ideas for 9919 Shine

Post  [CSR]Skizzler Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:00 pm

Well Im little disappointed that the drop rate has been lowered.
I have a new idea how to make this server more attractive to new players like me.

1st Idea : Make Herb / Sap / Mushroom Costs 5s-18s at npc
2nd Idea : Make all Skill and Equipts 1 copper (like level 1-20 Skills). and Higher that drop rate of greens
3rd Idea : Give a little decrease on Cash Items
4th Idea : Increase the drop rates of blue and such as necklace or rings [ rares ]
5th Idea : Increase the Exp rate on abyss map.

I hope this ideas will be reviewed and Approved by GMs.

Posts : 17
Join date : 2010-03-24

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