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[Suggestion]100+ skills.

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[Suggestion]100+ skills. Empty [Suggestion]100+ skills.

Post  Arya Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:41 pm

Instead of risking the server being shutdown by adding the prestige skills, why not add the effects to the already existing skills with new names and such. For example, at lv 100 magic burst gains a ice field effect, maybe slightly altered. Or, 100 vit acts as a violence.

Or, someone could create brand new skills. I don't know who could do it, but it sounds like a decent idea to me.

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[Suggestion]100+ skills. Empty Re: [Suggestion]100+ skills.

Post  [Ungreatful Kid]Slumber Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:55 pm

It does. They can merge skills and make custom skills. For example a make-shift Ice Field would be like Frost Nova BUT with the effect of devastate. And as for Blink and Dash, they can probably give us an incredible speed boost for a duration of about 3 seconds. Each class upon Prestige would have a max of 10 skills total with 5 each being exclusive to their respective branch. C'mon Casuta! Be creative!! D< I swear if I could do all these things I would!
[Ungreatful Kid]Slumber
[Ungreatful Kid]Slumber

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[Suggestion]100+ skills. Empty Re: [Suggestion]100+ skills.

Post  Guest Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:57 pm

What a Face


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[Suggestion]100+ skills. Empty Re: [Suggestion]100+ skills.

Post  Arya Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:08 pm

offer something constructive or gtfo ;-;

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Age : 33
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[Suggestion]100+ skills. Empty Re: [Suggestion]100+ skills.

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