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Post  Genesis Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:05 pm

I wanna say some things that may help Casuta, I need Baharia to read this and send this to him (I bet he must have like 2000 cards bout this so its his problem if he don`t cares of his own server).

1.- Casuta needs a server files backup, is not hard and its way better than making players level all the way again.

2.- If he don`t cares or he is lazy or he don`t knows (<---this would be pathetic...) on a wipe they would better give people something USEFUL to restore their levels fast.

3.- DO NOT POST YOUR GOD DAMN IP AS THE SITES WEBPAGE, this is really stupid, and when i mean really stupid IS REALLY REALLY STUPID,even a really noob hacker can hack your server fast and easy AND HE WILL BE LAUGHING HIS ASS OFF IN YOUR FACE.

4.- Casuta needs to learn of his mistakes (something I really doubt), you have to see what is wrong *cough* firewall *cough.... and fix it.

5.- Don`t be a noob and waste enough money for more server stability, you get money from VIPs and stuff on the 99Shine, is enough to take your money and fix the servers.

Now is time to recover the server, because when it is too late, you will be crying and complaining.

To Baharia:

I really don`t care if this is too "offensive", if you don`t send this to Casuta, it is your problem, this is just for helping server.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-03-27

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Post  aknrules Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:17 pm

the ip address has nothing to do with it. it takes like 2 seconds to find the ip address all u have to do is go in command prompt and type "ping -----.com" and ull get the ip address.

problem is he probably has a shitty firewall x.x


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Join date : 2010-03-24

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Post  Genesis Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:53 pm

aknrules wrote:the ip address has nothing to do with it. it takes like 2 seconds to find the ip address all u have to do is go in command prompt and type "ping -----.com" and ull get the ip address.

problem is he probably has a shitty firewall x.x

The IP can be hided to prevent hacking, this can be the answer.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-03-27

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