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Important news concerning the server.

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Important news concerning the server. Empty Re: Important news concerning the server.

Post  [GM]Baharia Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:02 am

As of today, we are closing the server 9919. Due to lack of time and to problems in the settings, for 2 weeks there will be no server low rate. The server 9919 is closed for good.

Another server will be made, from A to Z with correct settings so updates can be made, drops corrected... I know you all have enough of it, of no update. But remember that now, we have another dev who is making patches, and working on it.

It will really be a new server, new things, new organisation and maps. But you must understand it will ask us hard work, and long work (yes I will help)

Posts : 47
Join date : 2010-03-31

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