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Bugs in game will be updated!

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Bugs in game will be updated! Empty Bugs in game will be updated!

Post  NorthernLights Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:03 am

100+ maps exp on mobs is bugged and is impossible to grind on map to level.

CP1 and CP2 maps are full of mobs from 99 shine and all of the mobs are bugged on exp and no drops. Is also level locked 100-150

No weapons above 85 are readily available.

no equipment is able to get above level 99.

No KQ for 100+..

Almost non stop DC's through out the day.

Not sure if intended but all maps from aew and up are lv locked so forces people to level in duegons if want to level fast at all.

The most 2 recent changes to game that was in announcements on this forum is, AR map fixed and 3rd job change, both are related to to content for lv 100-120, but yet it is impossible to level to 110 since nothing to kill for exp.

Why fix AR map and yet no one has chance of getting to it?
Why give job change but yet no skills for the change available?

Most people have given up waiting for the new content to be added so they have stopped playing. People are very patient and understand the work is need to be done on 99 but please add the exp, equip and skills(if able) for level 100-130 to server already, cant imagine takes that long to change.

Server is very nice over all but the content for later development for players has to be added, players have no reason to stay after 100.

Any bugs people find add to this post will be added to original post in time.

Thanks for great server so far, is time to get it to grow....

--Internal game clock is not correct on charms and kq's
--Web page is down, have to have or server can't add new players. *Web page is back down*.
--there is no item shop content on web page
--KQ Spider and KKP wont let anyone join.
--Bosses have 4+ hour spawn time and most bosses dont drop there weapons.

Last edited by NorthernLights on Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:35 pm; edited 8 times in total


Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-04-07

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Bugs in game will be updated! Empty Adding to first post

Post  NorthernLights Sat Apr 17, 2010 3:35 am

Internal game clock is not correct on charms and kq's


Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-04-07

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Bugs in game will be updated! Empty Adding

Post  NorthernLights Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:30 am

Web page is down, have to have or server can't add new players.

Web is up and running, tho there is no item shop content..

Last edited by NorthernLights on Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-04-07

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Bugs in game will be updated! Empty Re: Bugs in game will be updated!

Post  [GM]Baharia Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:32 am

Thanks for reporting those bugs, continue to do it Smile
I know how frustrating it is, and I posted an anounce on it, about all the dc and why there is no new update for us. But me like you, we have to be patient, once the DC problem will be fixed, the developpers can finally add some patches, and do stuff for us.

If I could do it, I would, but last time I tried something on the server, I made it crash for more than an hour ^^0 and I just wanted to fix the wedding.... So maybe wiser if I don't try.

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Bugs in game will be updated! Empty upadate to first post

Post  NorthernLights Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:57 am

KQ Spider and KKP wont let anyone join.

Bosses have 4+ hour spawn time and most bosses dont drop thier weapons.


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Bugs in game will be updated! Empty upadate

Post  NorthernLights Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:29 pm

Web page is back down


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Bugs in game will be updated! Empty Re: Bugs in game will be updated!

Post  anling Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:59 pm

they shut down to prevent hacking ,maybe

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Age : 38

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